When you have one company trying to improve lots of different programs at once, the individual programs tend advance at different rates. Also in the opinion of the user Wolf_Soldier, i also tend to lean towards the idea that because there are multiple programs and utility software all complied together, they don't tend to specialise in one section.
Another problem with intergrated software is that they usually have have weak areas, meaning that they may have a brilliant word processing application, but a below average spreedsheet program. You can't upgrade (or fix) just one part, as all the software is intergrated into one application. Since it is designed specifically with one purpose. The driver program converts the more general input. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a general-purpose framework for complex web application UI? Advantage and disadvantage of application software. I need some disadvantages to special purpose applications? As a false positive by antivirus software.
I need some disadvantages to the application.